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Complications is a random event where a doctor asks you to make a critical decision regarding complications that occurred when a regent or partner started to give birth.

Outcome summary[ | ]

Choice Time Chance Outcome
Try to save the mother none 33.3% Scarred for Life: Child is lost. Mother survives but becomes Infertile.
33.3% Successful Procedure: Child is lost. Mother survives unharmed.
33.3% No Words: Both mother and child are lost.
Try to save the baby none 33.3% Complications Come in Twos: Mother survives unharmed and gives birth to two nonidentical twins.
33.3% Condolences: Mother dies. Child survives but is Sickly.
33.3% No Words: Both mother and child are lost.
Put them in the Chalice none 33.3% Trailing Words...: Both mother and child are lost.
33.3% Speechless: Mother and child both survive. Mother becomes Bountiful. Child becomes Hearty.
16 to 26 years 16.7% Destination Unknown → This is Not How Time Works: Mother vanishes, but returns without having aged with her child alive and already 16 to 26 years old.
16.7% Destination Unknown → Something Something Time Paradox: Mother vanishes, but returns without having aged and with her newborn child.

Start[ | ]


A Doctor prods you awake. "Excuse me, a Regency of yours, mother name and father name were visiting the Capital today and during their tour of the gardens mother first name went into labor. We've been trying to deliver the baby but there have been... complications. I can't save both of them and when I told father first name this, he ran out of the room... I didn't know who else to ask."

  • Attempt to save the mother.
  • Attempt to save the child.
  • Put them in the Chalice?

The regent and partner involved in this event is randomly chosen from all regencies where both partners are fertile and of the opposite sex. It doesn't matter which is male and which is female as long as the pair includes both sexes. If there are no such regencies, this event will not trigger.

Try to save the mother[ | ]

Outcomes[ | ]

There are three possible outcomes, all equally likely.

Scarred for Life

The surgery is successful, but only to a point. Even though the baby was lost and mother first name survived, she will never be able to have children again.

mother name has gained the Infertile trait.

Successful Procedure

The surgery goes off as well as can be expected. father first name greets mother first name upon waking and promises that they will try again.

No Words

Not soon after the Doctor leaves, father first name stumbles into the throne room and asks if he can sit with you until it's over. The wait is unbearable and an hour later you hear the steady, echoing walk of the Doctor. "I'm sorry," she says with stained hands, "but we were too late to save either of them."

mother name has been lost.

Try to save the baby[ | ]

Outcomes[ | ]

{{box| There are three possible outcomes, all equally likely. The third possible outcome is the same "No Words" outcome that can occur when trying to save the mother.

Complications Come in Twos

You wait for word on the surgery, but it's not long until the Doctor runs back into the throne room... and disappears through another door. father first name appears shortly after in a huff. \"Where is she? Where is that quack?!?\" Not only is mother first name fine, but those "complications" were twins. Twins!

first child name and second child name have been born!

The twins are not identical and may not be of the same sex.


The surgery goes off without much difficulty until father first name returns to the ward and discovers the delivery in progress. He watches, slumped at mother first name's side and clutching her cool hand as the frail baby is delivered.

mother name has been lost and child name has been born with the Sickly trait.

Put them in the Chalice[ | ]

Outcomes[ | ]

There are three possible immediate outcomes, all equally likely, but one outcome can lead to two possible further outcomes.

Trailing Words...

mother first name is carefully lowered into the Chalice, but at the first touch of water she shudders violently. Something's wrong. You listen to the Doctor's voice echo out from the Chalice as she tries to save both the mother and the child, but nothing seems to work. "I'm sorry," she finally says, letting the words reverberate throughout the throne room.

mother name has been lost.


Having heard the cries echoing out from the Chalice, father first name scrambles into the room just as the baby is delivered. "father first name!" a voice calls out. "Meet child name." Baby in tow, mother first name pops up over the top of the Chalice and sits on the lip. Both she and the child are positively glowing and the Doctor is at a total loss for words. It's a miracle.

mother name has gained the Bountiful trait and child name has been born with the Hearty trait.

Destination Unknown

As mother first name is carefully lowered down, the water parts as if it's repelled by some unknown force. It circles around her faster and faster until finally it collapses and explodes out of the Chalice in a wave of energy. As the smoke settles, a breathless father first name skids into the throne room asking where mother first name is.

mother name has vanished!

If mother vanishes in the Chalice[ | ]

Outcomes[ | ]

{{box| There are two possible outcomes, both equally likely. Either will occur after a whole number of years between 16 and 26 have passed since the mother vanished.

This is Not How Time Works

You're awoken by a blinding flash of light from the Chalice and the splashing of something inside. It's mother name and she looks like she hasn't aged a day! A moment later another head pops over: child name! Only not a baby anymore but a child age year old adult! As they climb down it becomes clear that neither of them has any idea how much time has passed. There's going to be some catching up to do...

mother name has returned, and child name has been added to your retinue.

The child's age will be the same as the number of years that had passed since the mother's disappearance.

Something Something Time Paradox

You're awoken by a blinding flash of light from the Chalice and the splashing of something inside. It's mother name and baby child name! As she pulls her and the baby over the lip you notice that they haven't aged a day. "Excuse me," she calls out. "Can somebody find father name for me? I want him to meet someone!" This is going to take some explaining...

mother name has returned and child name has been born and can be raised to become a hero.
